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7 Features That Every Successful E-commerce Website Has

In today’s fast-paced world a properly functioning e-commerce website might be a crucial element that may create or break a business. It’s your digital showcase, the key to the success of your brand and therefore the happiness of your cup.

Just as a conventional brick and mortar business has to be available, friendly, and clean, so your website must be modern, smart, and fast.

Still, we can’t ask ourselves if there are special quality features that separate good e-commerce websites from great?

We all understand the importance of website design and user experience. But what else brings customers desirous to return?

Let’s consider global brands like Amazon, BestBuy, or eBay. What are the critical elements that single out these major names within the package?

Let’s take a step back and ask ourselves about the features we value most on our favorite websites.

Features For Successful E-commerce Website

All websites are unique in their own way.

We’ve seen trends in e-commerce website design, like animation, 360-degree product preview, advanced filtering, and dynamic product search.

However, trends don’t guarantee conversion rates or a strong user experience. There are certain elements that any e-commerce website must have if they want to remain relevant and competitive.

Here may be a list of seven mandatory features that attract online customers:

1. Appealing Design & Business Logo

The design of an e-commerce website is different from a blog or regular small business website design. The purpose of building an online store is to display products.

It must avoid the utilization of creative work and cling to business goals. Adding too many colors or themes that have hidden meanings may fail. A page design with glamor can benefit a fashion store, but not one with general electronics.

You can find the utilization of creative typography that touches people’s moods. It also encourages them to read the text, not just to appear in the photographs. 

You’ll be able to communicate with a designer to beautify your store with the most effective available WordPress accessories.

Also, the hosting of your WordPress e-commerce website is important. Here is a list of the best WordPress hosting services out there.

The logo is a symbol of your brand and what you represent. It’s a visible image that everybody will associate your business with. It’s the primary impression, the “face of the company” and ultimately an important marketing tool.

The design, whether it’s simple, complex, or simply a particular font that you just always, isn’t the foremost important part.

It is important to ascertain the brand of your company and make it noticeable. The emblem not only attracts customers for your brand but also creates security for patrons that your company is reliable.

2. High-Resolution Photos & Videos

Customers want to see the product from more than one angle. Also, they like to see other people using the product in different environments.

Technical considerations for images are crucial, images that don’t load or load for too long will see a consumer abandonment rate of more than 39%.

And we’re not just talking about professional photos, some searches have found that adding Instagram photos to their product pages has increased billing by 25%.

An e-commerce website should display more photos per product. Photos must be high resolution and optimized for page loading.

3. Fast Load Time of Your E-commerce Website

The research shows a transparent relationship between web loading speed and customer conversions, the faster a page loads, the more likely customers are to go to and do business on your site.

The opposite is true, the slower the page, the less likely it’s that customers are willing to attend and connect along with your brand.

It might be nice to possess a modern-looking website, but if it takes 10 seconds to load, visitors won’t stay long enough to understand all the whistles. Watch your upload time and web performance and customers will thank you!

4. Shopping Cart, Search Bar, & Customer Login

These three aspects are absolutely the foremost important features of any e-commerce website and are always listed together at the highest of the website.

The small pushcart icon you see on every business page is important because it’s completely impossible to possess a web store without visitors providing some way to store and think about items.

If you have got lots of products, the search box is a must. It’ll help customers quickly find what they’re searching for.

Also, encouraging visitors to form an account for your site could be a good way to induce them back.

Not only can they review their previous and current orders, but they will also make a list, and offer special offers to those that sign-on, which may be used for future purchases.

5. News on Products

Premiere of a replacement, exciting thing? Maybe you’ve got a bestseller that you just would really like to highlight? Or even an upcoming event?

Customers want to grasp the most recent news and therefore the latest trends. Is there a more robust place to display such things than the homepage?

Drawing attention to those details within the beginning, rather than forcing customers to look for hours to seek them out, not only increases their satisfaction but allows you to maximize your success rate.

6. Contact Information & About Us

Keep contact information within the upper right corner of the most menu and at the underside of the net page because it proves the authenticity of your business, and visitors can contact you whenever needed.

One of the foremost visited pages of your site is “About us”. you’ll be able to use it during convincing thanks to effectively present the story of your brand to your audience. 

You would like to create your “About Us” page more attractive because it gives you the chance to present your business to visitors.

7. Security For Your E-commerce Website

Having an e-commerce website that is secure and backed up by proper authentication is so important in today’s widespread identity theft market. If you sell goods and services online, the absence of an SSL certificate is not really an option.

Don’t avoid going the extra mile to make sure your website is SSL certified, this gives your customers peace of mind and ensures that every checkout is encrypted.

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